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Provider User Guides

Login and Passwords

Welcome to ESSF

When the ESSF added you as a new provider, you would have received a Welcome email. This contains a link to log in. You can also log in here.

Welcome email
The welcome email to the Provider's email address

Log in

  1. Enter your email address in the log in page.
You will need to use the email address that the welcome email was sent to
Log in page

Passwordless access

We use a 'passwordless' login system. This means we email a passcode to your email address. This is instead of a password. These passcodes are unique and temporary.

Once logged in, a cookie will be placed on your browser meaning you will not need to log in every time you need access. They may need to request a passcode again if:

  1. They have changed computers/devices
  2. They are using a different browser to the one they originally logged in with
  3. A certain time has passed since they logged in
  4. They didn't enter the temporary passcode within 10 minutes

In this case, all you need to do is enter your email into the login page and a new passcode will be emailed to you.

The benefits of using passwordless logins

  1. You are not required to remember a password
  2. ESSF are not required to manage passwords
  3. Security is improved as there are no passwords that could be shared/leaked/guessed
  4. Only those with access to the your email account would be able to gain access to your ESSF account
Passcode email
The passcode email to your email address

Password to Access Form

The application form is behind another layer of security which means you will need to enter the password below to access it for the first time. We may periodically change this password but will be shown here and on the form page.

Log in to view password