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How long does it take to receive a decision regarding an application to the ESSF?

We aim to make decisions on applications within 2 working days.

If I am uncertain whether I would be eligible for the fund, can I still make an application?

Yes, please still make an application. If the ESSF is not the right option for you, we may be able to signpost you to other more suitable options.

Can the ESSF be used for costs relating to legal advice and consultation services?

No, the ESSF cannot be used for legal costs. However, the ESSF can be used for Process Server costs in certain scenarios.

Does the applicant have to be in receipt of certain benefits in order to be considered for the ESSF?

No, the ESSF is open to all victims/survivors of domestic abuse that fit the eligibility criteria. The ESSF is not means tested.

Does the ESSF pay the victim/survivor of domestic abuse directly?

No, the referring organisation will be reimbursed by the ESSF accordingly. We aim to pay invoices within 14 days of receipt.